This was FIBER x The Rest is Noise 2024

Thank you for joining us during our annual event at Muziekgebouw Amsterdam.

10 | 01 | 24

This was FIBER x The Rest is Noise 2024

Thank you for joining us during our annual event at Muziekgebouw Amsterdam. We celebrated the new year by presenting multisensory performances involving sound, lights, visuals, and stage design.

CEM, Mauro Ventura, and Theresa Baumgartner performed ‘GEZEGEN,’ an experimental live performance using sound, light, and shadow play. Surrounded by a gate-like metal sculpture made by Mauro Ventura, CEM composed hallucinating soundscapes accompanied by the ethereal light scenography of Theresa Baumgartner.

The evening ended with upsammy & Jonathan Castro. Using psychedelic textures and organic patterns, they performed ‘Germ in a Population of Buildings,’ an audiovisual performance built out of upsammy’s latest album.

To weave it all together, Slimfit played a dynamic DJ set, merging different genres into a collage of resonant and energetic sounds. Thanks to Eelco Couvreur for hosting the pre-talks of this event.

We want to thank everyone who came by and celebrated the new year with us. Stay tuned, and follow our channels for more upcoming news concerning our 2024 programme. 


Pictures by: Foppe Schut