Reassemble Lab

FIBER’s nomadic lab for art, technology and ecology

12 | 05 | 21

We reassemble to envision polyphonic and entangled ecologies. We reassemble to perceive reality through sensorial experiences and explore more-than-human futures. We reassemble to share knowledge between makers and thinkers and work with technology in interdisciplinary ways. We invite you to gather and reassemble.

Reassemble is FIBER Festival’s new multi-year lab programme that will connect the festival editions. The lab strives to contribute to our understanding of great planetary challenges by supporting artistic makers and inquisitive thinkers in prototyping new (collaborative) works and ways of knowing. This takes place in partnership with research institutions and other cultural organisations. 

The lab offers multi-day programmes consisting of workshops, collaborative working sessions, field trips, discussions and public programmes. Various topics and developments are explored in thematic blocks – called ‘Parts’ – and a wide variety of tool(kits) and methods are exchanged. In 2021, the first two Parts will take place, leading up to a new FIBER Festival edition.

Reassemble believes in the civic value of a new generation of audiovisual artists, designers, coders, performers and researchers who are materialising and speculating about mutual interactions between humans, and regenerative relationships between ourselves and our environment.

Stay tuned for more programme updates next week (May 17-21). If you want to know more about the programme launch, please subscribe to our newsletter or Telegram channel:

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Reassemble is supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and Stimuleringsfonds. Design by Mary Universe.

Reassemble will be blooming soon!…