And before you know it, 2024 is at its end. Thank you for your participation, visit, support or online engagement for making this year’s programme possible. Because of you, we can be a meeting place for multi-sensory art and critical conversations, and new perspectives on our everyday surroundings. Huge thanks to all the artists with whom we were privileged to work.
Our team looks back on a dynamic year, which saw the ninth festival edition Outer/Body come to life. Partnerships with The Rest Is Noise and Aural Spaces were unique highlights, emphasising the richness and innovative nature of audiovisual performance and spatial sound artists. Our Reassemble Lab programme explored the art of making sound, visuals and storytelling fundamentally change when using AI.
It has also been a tough year, with the shadow of international wars and inhumane realities looming over us. This strengthens us to do what we do: give support and space to meaningful stories and experiences of talented artists and designers that make us reflect, dream and offer directions towards a desirable futures. To come together in these challenging times to share and experience culture is a great thing.
We close the year with a special project: our writers dossier called Thinking Bodies by 15 contributors, which takes a deep dive into the Outer/Body festival research. Perfect holiday reading material!
We wish everyone an energising and loving holiday break and best wishes for 2025!
Thanks to: AFK, Stimuleringsfonds, cultuurfonds, Mondriaan Fonds, Fonds21, Pictoright Fonds, Garage Noord, Orgelpark, Door Open Space, BIMHUIS, STUK, de Brakke Grond, Bar Theo, Artificial Times, 4DSOUND, Concertvrienden, Entree, MONOM, Mutek Montréal, ADE, DutchCulture, Kunstenpunt, popkraft, 020.amsterdamnoord
Special thanks to all the authors of the dossier:
Anna Lina Litz, Babak Ahteshamipour, Borbala Magdolna Pal, Callum McLean, chiara pitrola, Eleni Maragkou, Joana Prochaska, Kat Milligan, Kiki Lennaerts, Katažyna Jankovska, Nikolai von Moltke, Léa Shamaa, Mila Narjollet, Pembroke King, Timéo Menard. Editorial & coordination: Eleni Maragkou.